Thursday, 26 December 2013

Windlesham Pram Race

Boxing Day (December 26th) is a big deal in the UK. Apart from the traditional walk in the park and stop at the pub, this year my family discovered a new tradition. When my parents became empty nesters this year, they moved into a smaller house in Windlesham (a small town about an hour outside of London). Every year they have a "Pram" race boxing day. The pray is essentially any pushed "thing", and teams dress up in themes and decorate their prams along with this theme.

The goal is to race between the 6 pubs that are in the town, while stopping and having a pint at each one. We also saw that each pram had cases of beer to bring along too, because clearly the 7 pints weren't quite enough. Along with getting sloshed, the entire thing is for charity so people are all running around with donation buckets for their separate prams. I've honestly never seen anything so British and fun.

Best Moment: Witnessing an entire team take a a shot of crappy tequila. The faces that followed were absolutely hilarious. We gave them a couple extra pounds for their struggle

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